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Upcoming Events

The ARK Conference

About The Conference 


The Ark Conference is an innovative Christian two-day event aimed at providing a refuge for male and female survivors of sexual abuse, as well as equipping church leaders with the essential 

tools to support those impacted by such trauma effectively. This conference stands out by

offering a platform for healing, empowerment, and community within a Christ-centered

and social justice framework. By focusing on Advocacy, Restoration, and Knowledge (ARK),

it aspires to not only aid survivors in their healing journey but also to empower church

leaders to create a nurturing environment that acknowledges and validates survivors.'

experiences with faith and compassion. 



Conference Objectives

1. To Cultivate a Safe and Healing Environment: Create a supportive atmosphere

where survivors and church leaders can openly share experiences and find



2. To Provide Christ-Centered Healing Pathways: Highlight the healing power of

faith, weaving Christian principles and scripture into personal recovery and

community support.


3. To Equip Survivors and Church Leaders with Resources and Education: Deliver

knowledge, tools, and professional resources to both survivors for their healing and

church leaders to better support their congregations.


4. To Advocate for Justice and Change: Tackle systemic issues around sexual abuse,

raising awareness and advocating for policy changes, with a focus on how church

leaders can be agents of change.


5. To Build a Strong Community of Support: Connect survivors with a network of

peers, professionals, and church leaders, fostering an enduring support system.


Who Should Attend:

  • Survivors, Supporters, & Advocates 

  • Community Leaders and Activists

  • Clergy 

  • Mental Health Professionals

  • Social Workers

  • Educators

  • Policy Makers

  • Anyone committed to making a difference in the lives of men and women facing significant life challenges

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